DIY electric generator help? - diy electric generator
Please watch this video ...
Do you have a metal pin or something that crosses the center and rotates a magnet? Is it possible, just a wooden stick instead? Travel is the current through the nail?
N is used, the nail as an axle for rotating the magnets. No electricity passes through the nail. You can use a wooden dowel or a pencil.
The nail is easy to use, as it is strong, he said, and has a small diameter. If you've noticed in the video, put a spacer between the two pairs of magnets. The pin is located between the magnets and the magnets have a flat face, the rock side to side roll on the nail. The spacers are the same thickness as the nail and magnets are kept in parallel and avoid rolling around on the nail. If you use a wooden dowel or pencil, these points will be thicker. After the spacers were thicker and more couples are separated. It may not be sufficient magnetic attraction of the magnets hold the wooden stick. If this were the case, you should probably tape or glue to help stick the magnets on the shaft so that it rotates does not slip when the shaft.
The nails are very cheap and if the hardware, you can for a nickel or May Buy just them for free .... (Home Depot and Lowe's sold in boxes of nails for a few dollars to go to the store and obsolete equipment, the clerk ask for a 10d nail (10 cents).
Yes, you can use a wooden stick, I do a lot of generators to separate a pair of DC motors for electric toy and see how they work or go to and see the electric motors.
Yes, you can use a wooden stick, I do a lot of generators to separate a pair of DC motors for electric toy and see how they work or go to and see the electric motors.
Yes, you can use a wooden stick, I do a lot of generators to separate a pair of DC motors for electric toy and see how they work or go to and see the electric motors.
without seeing the video, I know you have to use some iron or non-alloy steel. There is no current through the nail.
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